News & Events

Future Directions of the LMI-EFRC Proposal Contest

Congratulations to winners Dennis Callahan (Caltech, Atwater Group), and Matt Lucas (LBL, Alivisatos Group) and Derek Le (UIUC, Nuzzo Group).


At the Team Meeting on April 9, the winners of our "Future Directions of the LMI-EFRC" Proposal Contest were announced. LMI Group members were asked to prepare a 2-page proposal on a future research direction of the LMI-EFRC not currently being pursued. Team members were allowed to submit entries as a single investigator or with another student/postdoc with a different research advisor. Entries were judged by all Principal Investigators of the LMI-EFRC on categories of originality, scientific merit, and likelihood of leading to a new direction of research for the LMI-EFRC.


The winning single investigator proposal was awarded to graduate student Dennis Callahan (Caltech, Atwater Group) for his entry entitled "Photonic Molecules for Light Trapping and Angular Response Engineering." The dual investigator winners were graduate students Matt Lucas (Berkeley Labs, Alivisatos Group) and Derek Le (UIUC, Nuzzo Group) for their winning entry, "Flexible Graded Index Coatings for Omnidirectional, Broadband Light Collection." Second place in the dual investigator category was awarded to postdocs Debashis Chanda (UIUC, Rogers Group) and Jonathan Grandidier (Caltech, Atwater Group) for their proposal "Gradient index anti-reflection coating fabricated using large-area flexible 3D optical metamaterial formed by nanotransfer printing.
